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The Shams Group (TSG)




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Welcome | Monday, May 31,2010 | Tuesday, May 19, 2009 | Monday, March 16, 2009 | Tuesday, Nov 4, 2008 | Thursday, Sept 25, 2008 | Thursday, Sept 18, 2008 | About
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The Shams Group (TSG) is a workflow-based software and consulting firm specializing in Data Warehousing/ Decision Support Systems, Document Imaging/Object Archiving, EMPI, and EHR based knowledge management solutions.

Thankyou for choosing The Shams Group (TSG). We are happy to have you as our valued customer.


VISION Downtime Notification

VISION will be unavailable Monday, May 31, 2010 from 03:00 am CST - 04:00 am CST due to Scheduled Maintenance.

Following enhancements/fixes are being applied during the downtime


Entry Type: QC (Quality Control) Attributes

Quality Assurance team and Product Management team selects Entry Type: QC when they encounter issues during Product QA. We are introducing the following QC attributes which will be identified by the TechLead/Developer.

  • Fixed
  • Not a bug
  • Tool Limitation
  • Deferred
  • Not Applicable
  • Duplicate

Fixed: - A bug is marked as Fixed by Developer / Tech Lead when the bug is accepted as valid bug and changed code is checked in. Link the bug to the change set when the fix is checked in.

Deferred:- A bug is marked as Deferred if it will not be fixed in the current iteration. It will be postponed until it can be reevaluated in a future iteration or version of the product.

Tool Limitation: - A bug is marked as Tool Limitation, if the bug is valid but as per tool limitation or any other architectural Limitation it cannot be fixed at this time.

Not a Bug - A bug is marked as Not a Bug when expected result or behavior of the system is as per requirements of the application. A bug is marked “Unclear” or “Not Reproducible” when it is not clear to the developer, or cannot be reproduced. (Developer will email QA team in same QC type vision ticket for the clarification.)

Not Applicable: - Only ‘Suggestions’ and ‘Enhancements’ type bug can be marked as Not Applicable. 

Duplicate: - A bug is marked as duplicate if it describes the same problem as already reported bug. (Developer can mention the duplicate bug id in comments to make it easier for the user (QA, PM’s) to confirm the duplication.

Task Auto-Routing

A new page will be added under Utilities to display Task Routing based on Products and Priority

Recurrence by group

Recurrence is being enhanced to accept Assign To as both group and indivdual

Task Communication

Introducing Text Formating Options on Task Communication Page


Portal Switching Issue:

Fix issues encountered while switching between VISION and VISION CRM.


Show actual communication in Inbox VISION Tooltip


Auto Prioritized Tasks Based On Client and Product:

Introducing Auto Prioritizing Rules which can be set based on a Client and Product


Open Support Issues

Last updated column: Last update date column will be added

Re-Open task: If a task is completed, user will see two action buttons. User can select to clear the task and select  to reopen the task if user is not satisfied or the issue is not resolved.

Keyword Search: A new filter is being added that will search the following attributes of a ticket

  • Subject
  • Description
  • Resolution
  • Communications

Closed Support Issues

Keyword Search: A new filter is being added that will search the following attributes of a ticket

  • Subject
  • Description
  • Resolution
  • Communications

Search Support Issues

A new page is being introduced called 'Search Support Issue' where users can search their tickets by ID, Status, Dates, Product, Owner, Keyword

Task Communication

Introducing Text Formatting Options on Task Communication Page




VISION - Downtime Notification 
05/19/2009 from 05:00 am CST - 05:45 am CST

Following enhancements/fixes are being applied during the downtime

1.       Attachments with .RPT, .SQL, .FIL extensions will open in VISION


2.       A new Entry Type 'Training' will be added. This entry type will not be available for selection on Create Task Form but if an external task is not an issue but lack of training, user can select ‘This is not a Support Issue but a Training Issue’ while completing the task. This will automatically change the entry type of the task to Training (Nature: External).


3.       Communication entered while creating a subtask will be logged as the sub-task’s Description



4.       To improve the load time of Personal VISION, Inbox will only show Top 100 messages. A filter will be added to search for messages.



5.       Due Date column will be added in My Task Queue on Personal VISION and My Upcoming Task Queue on Hold VISION


6.       A message will prompt on ‘Waiting on Client’ Status selection. This prompt will only be a reminder to notify the client of this status.


7.      The task will auto-route as the Product changes


8.       A utility called Productivity VISION will be added under the tab Utilities. Managers and TLs can view their team’s everyday activity and time spend on the tasks. Users can also see which tasks they worked on any particular day or during a time interval.


9.       All Entry Types except the following will be disabled and will not be available for selection

a.       Configuration

b.      Custom

c.       General Task

d.      QC

e.      Recurring/Maintenance

f.        Bug

g.       Enhancement

h.      Support


10.    ‘Create Issue’ for Clients: We are adding a new Option called ‘Patient Critical’ in the Create Task for Clients which will route the task as ‘High Priority’


11.   Clients will see Auto Close Messages, Auto Close dates and status changed messages if the task is changed from Completed to <Any Status> in the task communication. Auto-Close Date column will be added in Open Support Issues Queue.


12.   Improve the load time of VISION CRM


13.   Client Contacts will be added on Task Communication Page





Laila Hajyani


VISION - Downtime Notification 
Monday, 03/16/2009 from 05:00am CST - 05:45am CST

Following enhancements/fixes are being applied during the downtime

Product Category Analysis Groups

VISION Team is introducing ‘Product Category Analysis Groups’. During task creation if only Product Category is available, the task will get auto-routed to ‘Product Category Analysis Group’. The members of this group are the members of all Product Analysis Group within the selected Product Category. For example

If the Product Category is ‘Galactica’ and no Product is selected, the task will auto-route to aa-AnalysisGalactica. The members of the following groups are the members of aa-AnalysisGalactica and will see the task in their Shared Queue.

    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaBase
    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaBOBatch
    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaHIMReports
    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaMRBatch
    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaOCR
    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaPOS
    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaReports
    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaRx
    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaViewer2
    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaW3
    • aa-AnalysisGalacticaWebViewer
    • aa-AnalysisEHRReports
    • aa-AnalysisEHR

Task Creation Form for Clients

VISION Team is introducing Task Creation Form for Clients


Show Top 100 Communication on Task Communication

Currently some tasks have many communications in the Communication History, which increases the load time of Task Communication Page. VISION Team will limit display to Top 100 communication by default. User can use the filter on Communication History to look at the older communication.

Moving Client Resolution on Top in Communication History

Currently Client Resolutions shows up at the bottom of the Communication History. Many Clients requested to move the Client Resolution on top.

Create TSG Products Issue

VISION Team is introducing an Create Issue Form for all TSG Internal Products on VISION CRM. All Issues, Enhancements and other requests must be submitted via this form. Intranet Support/VISION Team will not acknowledge any emails and would request all users to use ‘Create TSG Products Issue’ Form for any requests.


VISION - Downtime Notification 
Tuesday, 11/04/2008 from 06:00am CST - 06:30am CST

Following changes are being applied during the downtime


·         Option to Select the Client Contact’s Name when changing status to ‘Waiting on Client’




·         When Display Communication to Client is checked, all Client Contacts added while creating the task will be added in the recipient list.








·         Changes to VISION CRM  - We are introducing a new tab where the logged client contact can see all tasks waiting on him/her and respond. Once they respond the status will auto-change to Idle.




VISION - Downtime Notification 
Thursday, 09/25/2008 from 06:00am CST - 06:20am CST

Following changes are being applied during the downtime


We are adding a new Tab called Inbox VISION. This Tab will have Inbox VISION and Task Details Modules.



 VISION - Downtime Notification 
Thursday, 09/18/2008 from 06:00am CST - 06:20am CST

Following changes are being applied during the downtime

Bug Fixes


1.    The issue of contents disappearing when the module is maximized or minimized will be fixed.

2.    Currently Concerned Party Role only receives a vision email when a task is created. After the patch the concerned party receives all emails related to the product.

3.    HelpDesk should not receive an Outlook Email when a new task is created.




1.    Currently in VISION ‘Created by’ field shows the task owner which may be a group. We are replacing the task owner by task originator which is the person who actually created the task. These changes would appear on Task Communication Page, Task Details Module and Pop-up summary.

2.    We are introducing Closed Status in Internal Tasks. When the task gets completed, the owner will receive an email and the completed task will show in My Task Queue. The owner can then close the task.



3.    Changes will be done so that Analysis group receives an email when a support task gets completed by worker group.

4.    We will disable conversion of internal task to external task. The new workflow will require Product Manager to close the task and let the Helpdesk create a new task.




5.    We will add 'Delete All' Option in Recipient List



About TSG HelpDesk Vision portal.

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